Dear Friends,
Following recent COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the NSW Government until Monday 10 of May, 2021 12:01 am the following limitations will be imposed:
Masks must be worn while attending Masses indoors.
No singing by congregation.
From 7 December 2020.
According to the rules established by NSW Government 150 people will be allowed to attend the church for a private prayer and Masses.
The Following rules need to be observed:
* No prior registration will be needed to attend weekday Masses. First 150 people will be admitted to the church. Children are counted in this number.
* Upon entering the church you need to provide your contact details on the list on the table at the entrance.
* Registration to attend the Saturday Vigil Mass and Sunday Masses is encouraged to minimise congregating before the Mass at the entrance to the church. Please use NSW Government App or the Parish QR code. After registering through the QR codes please show it to the ushers who will add you to the tally of the attendants.
Please call the Parish office.
Number to call to register:
Parish office (02) 4721 4080
Social Distancing rules need to be obeyed at all times .
General rules during Covid-19 pandemic when you attend Mass and Confession
(if you decide to register for or attend the Mass you need to adhere to these rules)
1. There should be no procession of gifts, no passing of hymn books or collection plates.
2. The priest should sanitise his hands before distributing Holy Communion.
3. The Sign of Peace should be omitted or given without any hand-to-hand contact.
4. If you wish to receive Holy Communion on the tongue please come to receive it from the priest only and after those who receive it on the hand.
Penance (no prior registration needed):
1. Confessions can be celebrated in the church.
2. When recording details of attendance, there should be no reference as to why the person is attending.
3. A virus-proof barrier between the penitent and the confessor is recommended.
At any given time there are only 150 people allowed in the church and everybody in the church prior entering needs to provide: the name, the contact number and the address.
We will continue to livestream the Vigil Mass on Saturday until all the restrictions are over.
God bless you,
fr. Andrew Fornal OP
Parish Priest